Finding out you’re facing an unexpected pregnancy comes with various challenges, one of which is hearing the opinions of those closest to you.
You may already be struggling with your pregnancy decision, and you may feel that talking with friends and family about it will make it more difficult. However, you might be surprised at the insight they share.
Continue reading for tips on discussing your pregnancy decision with your friends and family.
Opening Up to Family and Friends
1. Engage with Your Feelings
If you’re considering abortion, begin by reflecting on why you feel abortion is right for you. Are you choosing abortion out of fear and desperation? Or has a partner or friend convinced you this is the best option?
Getting to the root of why you desire an abortion can be helpful as you prepare to talk with your family and friends and may provide them with opportunities to help.
2. Learn the Facts
Before talking with your family and friends, consider learning more about your pregnancy and determining what options are available to you. You may think that you want an abortion, but just because you are pregnant does not mean you are eligible.
LifeLine Pregnancy Center offers lab-quality pregnancy tests and ultrasound scans. These can help you discover your pregnancy’s age, location (whether the pregnancy is located within the uterus), and viability (whether there is a heartbeat and is progressing).
3. Create a Plan
Opening up to your family about your pregnancy decision can feel intimidating. Making a plan of where you want to meet and thinking through what you want to share can help you follow through and not back out at the last minute.
Choosing a place that provides privacy may make you feel more comfortable sharing what’s on your heart.
4. Listen to the Thoughts of Others
You may feel like you’ve already decided about your pregnancy, and while the decision is ultimately yours, considering the insight of those closest to you may be more beneficial than you think.
Sharing all of your options and talking through them with family and friends may help you see things differently.
Get Help Today
LifeLine Pregnancy Center is here to help you learn more about your pregnancy and your options, all at no cost.
Our trusted staff can answer your questions and connect you with support resources.
Contact us today for your confidential appointment.