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You never thought you would be here right now. It’s what you do now that writes your story. Though parenting may seem untouchable, you may be stronger than you know. We are here to support you in your decision.

Becoming a new mom or dad is challenging, but it also comes with great rewards. Here is what you will want to know if you’re considering parenting.

Are You Ready to Parent?

No man or woman feels quite ready to be a parent, no matter where in life you are. It can be a mix of joy, anxiety, confusion, love, and full of surprises. You may even be a single parent, wondering if you can really do this on your own.

Deciding to parent is not an easy decision and it comes with great responsibility. Take a brief moment to think over this option and if you are ready to parent. There are many parenting resources and support available if you decide to go this route.

The Tough Questions

You may still question your capability to parent – and that’s normal. If you do decide to say yes to the parenting journey, you are not alone. You may be asking yourself:

  • How am I going to work & take care of a baby?
  • How do I support my child financially?
  • What resources are available for me?
  • Will my parents/friends support me?

We can help you navigate all these questions, concerns, and more. You are not alone in your pregnancy journey.

We Are Here for You

If you need support with parenting, our team at LifeLine are here to listen to your concerns and needs. From resources and education, we can help you in the process of starting this new journey.

Our staff is also here if you need to verify your pregnancy with a pregnancy test and ultrasound. All our services are at no cost to you and confidential. 

Make an appointment to talk more today!

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