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It isn’t always obvious when loved ones, a partner, or those close to you are trying to pressure you into a pregnancy decision, especially when it’s someone you trust. 

However, it is critical to know that you alone have the legal right to make your pregnancy decision, and no one should coerce you to do something that makes you uncomfortable. 

Continue reading to learn some warning signs that you may be experiencing pressure from your partner, family, or friends. 

Recognizing Pressure From Those Close to You

Threats and Intimidation

Maybe a loved one or your partner has threatened to end your relationship or kick you out if you don’t have an abortion, and in drastic cases, you may even receive harmful threats. 

If you’re in an abusive relationship or ever fear that you may be harmed, contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE as soon as possible. If you ever find yourself in immediate danger, call 911 and leave the situation. 

Dismissing Your Feelings

Pressure from those close to you can also be more passive. Your partner, family, or friends may ignore concerns you bring up about abortion or change the subject when you express the desire to parent or place your child for adoption. 

While these subtle actions may not seem like pressure, it is critical to recognize your loved ones’ actions so that you are not slowly coerced into a pregnancy decision. 

Rushing the Decision

If your loved ones discourage you from researching your options and learning more about your pregnancy, this could be a sign that they’re pressuring you. 

Choosing to have an abortion is a serious medical decision that has health risks, and no one should ever keep you from exploring your options and making an informed decision. 

Saying Abortion is Best

When talking with your partner, family, or friends about your pregnancy decision, if you notice an individual continually bringing the conversation back to abortion, they may be using this as a method of manipulation. 

They may also continually bring up what they believe are the benefits of abortion without asking for or listening to your opinions.

Making You Feel Uncomfortable

When you’re experiencing pressure from a loved one, you may subconsciously begin to sense the pressure and notice feelings of uncertainty when you’re around that individual. 

Don’t ignore these feelings. They may indicate your loved one doesn’t respect you and that boundaries need to be put in place. 

Get Help Today

Navigating a pregnancy decision is challenging, and it can be even more difficult when you don’t have the support of those closest to you. 

The good news is Lifeline Pregnancy Center is here to help by providing free lab-quality pregnancy tests and information so that you can learn more about your pregnancy and your options. We can also refer you to an on-site medical clinic for limited ultrasounds.

Our trusted team can answer your questions and connect you with support resources. 

Contact us today for your confidential appointment.

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It isn’t always obvious when loved ones, a partner, or those close to you are trying to pressure you into a pregnancy decision, especially when it’s someone you trust.  However, it is critical to know that you alone have the legal right to make your pregnancy decision, and no one should coerce you to do

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