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Are You Considering Adoption?

For some people, adoption may be a solution to an unintended pregnancy. Adoption can be a great alternative to raising a child that you may not feel prepared to raise. It can be the best and most loving choice.

Your choices are abortion, adoption, and parenting. Adoption might be the right choice if you’re thinking…

  • Abortion is not an option, but you’re not ready to be a parent 
  • Your current relationship and living situation isn’t healthy for raising a child
  • You want to provide a financially and emotionally stable environment
  • You see the importance of a two-parent family who can devote themselves to your child

The Types of Adoption

When considering adoption there is a broad spectrum of adoptions available, including open, semi-open, or closed adoption. A pregnancy decision is one of the most important decisions you will have to make. You can choose the adoptive family who you feel fits all the hopes you have for your baby.

Open adoptions are also becoming more common. It is important to remember that every adoption plan is different.

Learn more about the adoption procedures and laws from one of the several adoption agencies we can refer you to. Some agencies even offer housing during the adoption process.

Making Your Decision

Only you can decide if adoption is the right decision for you. We can help navigate the process with you. We want you to make a confident decision so we’ll connect you with valuable resources and support.

Local Adoption Agencies

Family Connections Christian Adoptions

(805) 542-9084


Modern Adoption

(800) 778-8616


These are just a few of the agencies we work with. Most have a local adoption counselor that can meet with you. Contact us to learn more about how to begin adoption or to simply learn more!

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