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We know how scary this may feel right now. An unplanned pregnancy can change everything, but you are not alone. Before looking too far into the future, a pregnancy test is your first step to confirm your pregnancy. Our compassionate team at LifeLine Pregnancy Center is here to walk with you.

An ultrasound is a device used for imaging and gives medical professionals visuals of different parts of the body. It’s been around for over 60 years and is the gold standard for imaging during pregnancy. At LifeLine Pregnancy Center, limited ultrasound services are offered free of charge.

Our BrightCourse© program is designed to help you develop the skills you need as you navigate your pregnancy and begin your parenting journey. You’ll earn Baby Bucks with each lesson you complete and can then redeem them in our Baby Boutique for items such as clothes, diapers, baby formula, and other necessities.

Are you struggling after having an abortion, months or even years later? Although everyone’s experience after an abortion is unique, there are common, long-lasting effects that many individuals experience.

Discovering that you are pregnant can be overwhelming and you probably have many questions. At LifeLine Pregnancy Center, we can provide fact-based, medically-sound information to help you make an informed decision when it comes to your pregnancy options.

If you’ve started the abortion pill process and suddenly feel unsure about your decision, it’s not too late. Many women begin to regret taking the first dose and wonder if there’s a way to stop it. The good news is that there may be a chance to reverse the process—but time is critical. If you

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Are There More Options Than Abortion?

Facing an unplanned pregnancy can feel like an impossible situation to overcome, and it’s natural to wonder what to do next. You may feel like abortion is your only choice, especially if the circumstances around your pregnancy are challenging or uncertain. However, before making a decision to terminate your pregnancy, it’s important to take time

Signs You Are Being Pressured Into An Abortion Decision

It isn’t always obvious when loved ones, a partner, or those close to you are trying to pressure you into a pregnancy decision, especially when it’s someone you trust.  However, it is critical to know that you alone have the legal right to make your pregnancy decision, and no one should coerce you to do

What to Do When Friends and Family Are Pressuring You into an Abortion Decision?

When facing an unplanned pregnancy, you may feel like you’d give anything to have the support of your friends and family.  Navigating pregnancy alone can be physically and emotionally exhausting, and at times, you may find yourself wondering if your friends and family are right about abortion being a good option.  However, remember, this is