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An ultrasound is a device used for imaging and gives medical professionals visuals of different parts of the body. It’s been around for over 60 years and is the gold standard for imaging during pregnancy. At LifeLine Pregnancy Center, limited ultrasound services are offered free of charge.

How Ultrasounds Work

An ultrasound produces high-frequency sound waves that bounce back off the observed tissue, interpret these echoes, and create an image on a screen. Medical News Today shares, “Ultrasound is sound that travels through soft tissue and fluids, but it bounces back, or echoes, off denser surfaces. This is how it creates an image.”

Mayfair Diagnostics shares, “Ultrasound has a variety of uses, despite being most often associated with pregnancy. It can be ordered to investigate pain, swelling, or other symptoms.”

For pregnancy, an ultrasound indicates if pregnancy is taking place where it should be and is not ectopic (outside the uterus). An ultrasound is an important step as it can reveal if an ectopic pregnancy is present. Medical intervention may be required for the health and safety of the woman right away.

It’s important to detect an ectopic pregnancy early to protect a woman’s wellness. Get an ultrasound to get the peace of mind you need.

Where Can I Go for Free Ultrasound?

At LifeLine Pregnancy Center, we offer pregnancy tests, options counseling, and more. Make a free and confidential appointment with us to begin pregnancy confirmation and get the clarity you need. 

If you are experiencing an unexpected pregnancy and desire to understand more about all your options, contact us. We are here to help you navigate all the questions and concerns that come up during a pregnancy journey. You don’t have to figure it all out on your own.

Our compassionate team is here for you every step of the way.

Know your options. Know your state

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