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When facing an unplanned pregnancy, you may feel like you’d give anything to have the support of your friends and family. 

Navigating pregnancy alone can be physically and emotionally exhausting, and at times, you may find yourself wondering if your friends and family are right about abortion being a good option. 

However, remember, this is your pregnancy, and your decision affects you more than anyone else. 

Continue reading to learn more about effectively communicating your decision, setting boundaries, and finding support beyond friends and family.

Sharing Your Pregnancy Decision

Have a Plan

It can be easy for your judgment to be clouded by those closest to you. You may think that if my friends and family love me, they may know what’s best. 

Reflecting on the personal motivation behind your pregnancy decision is critical so that the opinions of others don’t sway you. Writing out your feelings may help you be able to put them into words when talking with your friends and family.  

Communicate Your Boundaries 

Make it clear to your friends and family that you will not be coerced into having an abortion and that you would like for them not to share their opinions unless you ask for their insight. You can share your reason behind your pregnancy decision and invite them to support you. 

Share About Your Pregnancy and Your Options

Before speaking with your family and friends, an ultrasound scan can help you learn more about your pregnancy and your options. Sharing details about your pregnancy and the options you are considering will show them that you have a plan. 

Give Them Time

Your family and friends may have initially reacted out of fear, but they may surprise you by eventually expressing their support. 

However, if their feelings don’t change, it is critical that you seek out support in other areas. You may look for support from extended family or through parenting/pregnancy support groups.

Get Help Today

LifeLine Pregnancy Center provides free medical-grade pregnancy tests, and other support services when dealing with an unplanned pregnancy. 

If you’re planning to parent, we offer a parenting support program where you can earn baby essentials and meet others navigating this same journey. 

If you’re considering adoption, we can refer you to adoption agencies to help you begin the process. 

No matter where you are in your pregnancy journey, we are here to help.

Contact us today for your confidential appointment.

Are There More Options Than Abortion?

Facing an unplanned pregnancy can feel like an impossible situation to overcome, and it’s natural to wonder what to do next. You may feel like abortion is your only choice, especially if the circumstances around your pregnancy are challenging or uncertain. However, before making a decision to terminate your pregnancy, it’s important to take time

Signs You Are Being Pressured Into An Abortion Decision

It isn’t always obvious when loved ones, a partner, or those close to you are trying to pressure you into a pregnancy decision, especially when it’s someone you trust.  However, it is critical to know that you alone have the legal right to make your pregnancy decision, and no one should coerce you to do

What to Do When Friends and Family Are Pressuring You into an Abortion Decision?

When facing an unplanned pregnancy, you may feel like you’d give anything to have the support of your friends and family.  Navigating pregnancy alone can be physically and emotionally exhausting, and at times, you may find yourself wondering if your friends and family are right about abortion being a good option.  However, remember, this is