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Facing an unplanned pregnancy can be anxiety-inducing, and for some women, it can feel paralyzing.

If you’re overwhelmed and don’t know where to begin, receiving an ultrasound scan can be a great place to start.

An ultrasound is a scan that uses sound waves to create a picture of the inside of your uterus. It provides valuable information about the health of your pregnancy and the options available to you.

What is the Purpose of An Ultrasound?

To Check for Viability

The sonographer (ultrasound technician) first confirms that the pregnancy is viable. Up to 20% of pregnancies end in natural miscarriage, and in some cases, may require additional medical intervention to manage this event.

To Determine the Location of the Pregnancy

The sonographer then examines the location of the pregnancy to ensure it is implanted within the uterus. While it is uncommon, pregnancies can implant outside of the uterus, which is referred to as an ectopic pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancies are considered a medical emergency and require immediate medical attention.

To Determine the Gestational Age of the Pregnancy

The ultrasound also confirms the gestational age of the pregnancy through a series of measurements. While many women estimate how far along they are based on their last menstrual period, this method is not always accurate.

Confirming the gestational age with an ultrasound is essential to understand the options available to you.

According to the FDA, medical abortions, commonly referred to as the “abortion pill,” should not occur after 10 weeks of pregnancy.

The Importance of Ultrasound Before an Abortion

Choosing to have an abortion without receiving an ultrasound can pose a serious threat to your health.

Having a medical abortion after 10 weeks of pregnancy places you at an increased risk of an incomplete abortion. An incomplete abortion occurs when some of the pregnancy contents remain in the uterus, and this complication can cause increased bleeding or infection and may require a follow-up surgical procedure.

Forgoing an ultrasound could also mean that you are unaware that you have an ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancies can be fatal when left untreated and cannot be resolved with an abortion.

Get the Help You Deserve

For the sake of your health, it is crucial to receive an ultrasound scan before making any decisions about your pregnancy.

LifeLine Pregnancy Center offers no-cost, lab-quality pregnancy tests and refers clients to an on-site medical clinic for limited ultrasound scans. Our trusted staff can also answer your questions and discuss your pregnancy options.

Navigating an unplanned pregnancy can feel difficult, but you don’t have to do it alone.

Contact us today for your confidential appointment.

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