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When facing an unplanned pregnancy, there are a couple of highly recommended health screenings you should have performed to alert you to any health complications as well as inform you of your possible options.

First, you should take a medical-grade pregnancy test to find out if you might be pregnant.” For the second sentence: “Next, we recommend you schedule a no-cost, limited ultrasound at our center to medically diagnose the status of your pregnancy

Learn Pregnancy Age

An ultrasound will use sound waves to produce a digital image of the fetus. This image can reveal the gestational age of the pregnancy. This is important because it can affect the types of abortions you may be eligible for. The abortion pill is only FDA-approved for up to 10 weeks gestational age, and if your pregnancy is more advanced, you would only be eligible for a surgical abortion.

Determine Pregnancy Location

Another fact the ultrasound can tell you is the location of the pregnancy. Healthy pregnancies will always be located in the uterus. However, if a pregnancy is located outside of the uterus, such as in the fallopian tube, this is called an ectopic pregnancy and requires immediate medical intervention because it is in danger of rupturing.

Confirm Pregnancy Viability

Even if you have confirmed your suspicions with a positive test, you won’t be able to know the current viability of the pregnancy without an ultrasound. Data suggests that up to 26% of pregnancies end in a miscarriage.

In some cases, even if hCG levels (the pregnancy hormone) are still detectable and causing a positive pregnancy test result, the embryo may no longer be viable. This is why receiving an ultrasound is crucial.

Next Steps

At LifeLine Pregnancy Center, we provide no-cost, confidential pregnancy support, including pregnancy tests, limited ultrasounds, STD testing, and more.

With a limited ultrasound, you can get all the above information, giving you more confidence as you choose the best pregnancy path for your situation.

Contact us today to schedule your confidential appointment!

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