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If you are pregnant, or think you might be pregnant, and are considering abortion you may be wondering about any potential medical risks or side effects.

While the chance and types of physical risks from abortion have been well documented for decades, more is also becoming known about the potential risks of abortion to your mental health.

What is Mental Health?

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines mental health as “a state of well-being in which an individual realizes their own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to their community.”

With this definition in mind, you can see why the mental health effects of abortion are an important consideration.

Abortion and Mental Health

A number of studies have been conducted to examine the impact of abortion on women’s mental health.

These studies, including this one listed in the National Library of Medicine and findings from medical researcher and professor David Fergusson’s findings provide a clearer understanding of what mental health risks you may face as a result of an abortion, including:

  • Increased risk of depression among women who have had abortions compared to women who have not had abortions.
  • Increased risk of developing an anxiety disorder among women who have experienced an abortion.
  • Increased risk of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Research has shown that women who have had abortions are at a higher risk of developing PTSD, which can cause symptoms such as intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, and avoidance behaviors.
  • Increased risk of substance abuse, such as alcohol and drug dependency, for post-abortive women.
  • Negative impact on self-esteem and self-worth. Some women who have had abortions report feelings of guilt, shame, and a loss of self-esteem and self-worth, which can have a negative impact on their overall mental health.

Pre-Abortion Consultation

If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy and considering your options it’s important to get all the details you can before making your decision.

Lifeline Pregnancy Center can provide you with important details, like confirming a pregnancy with a lab-quality pregnancy test and a limited ultrasound scan. These tests and scans can provide you critical information, including the age, location, and viability of your pregnancy.

And best of all our trained client advocates provide these services in a confidential environment and at no cost to you.

It’s your health and your future, so contact us todayto start getting the answers you need.

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